Crime & Punishment 3: Theirs to Share Page 10
She sighed. She knew the feeling. It was as though she was drawn to them and couldn’t stop herself. She’d never felt anything like it.
“What are we supposed to do now?” she whispered.
“Eat dinner. Let Grayson show you some hand-to-hand. Maybe practice shooting some more. Then maybe later more sex.”
She snorted softly. “What about after that? When I have to change my name and disappear?”
Parker kissed her cheek. “One day at a time, Doc. We’ll figure it out.”
Cheyenne wasn’t so sure, but at the moment, she didn’t want to question it too much. Right now, she just wanted to enjoy the best sex she would probably ever have.
Chapter Fifteen
Grayson walked into the kitchen but didn’t say anything about the sex he knew the two of them had. There was no jealousy between him and Parker. There never was.
At first that had seemed a bit strange, but now he was used to it. They were a part of each other, as though they both shared the same soul. Grayson didn’t think that even their mothers had realized the side effects that spell would have. They’d tried to reverse it, but it hadn’t worked. He and Parker were bound, and there was nothing either of them—or their mothers—could do about it.
As he stood back and watched Parker and Cheyenne move around the kitchen, he began to wonder if this was the final piece that would make him and his cousin whole. The one piece he felt they’d always been missing. Would Cheyenne be able to live a life with the two of them? Or would she run like all the others had?
In a way, it was good that they had run. He’d never felt with any of those women the things he felt with Cheyenne. It felt right. He frowned and leaned against the bedroom doorjamb.
Was it really supposed to happen that fast? Or was this only a massive case of lust that would fade over time?
The speed made him a tad uncomfortable, uncertain, and hesitant. Maybe they should slow things down.
His gaze raked over the curves he could see beneath the satin of her robe. His mind began to run through all the decadent scenarios they could play out together. He knew instantly that slowing it down would never be an option. They’d not only crossed that line but obliterated it completely. There was no turning back now.
“Nice to see you finally decided to join us,” Parker drawled.
Grayson lifted his shoulder in a dismissive shrug. “The two of you are working so well together, why interrupt?”
Cheyenne gave him a hesitant smile. He winked at her and enjoyed watching the pink in her cheeks deepen. “I got a text from the boss. One of the men has been caught. Three more to go.”
Cheyenne smiled. “That’s good, right? What are the chances he might give away the location of the other three?”
“That depends on his will to live. He knows if he turns them over, his life is done.”
Her face fell. “Oh.”
“But don’t worry. He may still cut a deal, agree to some sort of protective custody. The man we really want is the one who fired the shots. The man they caught was the one standing off to the side.”
Cheyenne nodded. “To my knowledge, that one never fired. He just stood there holding a gun and, truthfully, looking a bit green.”
“Sometimes just because they’re in the mob doesn’t mean they’re comfortable with torture. Once they’re in, though, there’s no way back out,” Parker added.
Cheyenne set the plates on the island. “That would be a terrible life. Always afraid. Always looking over your shoulder for fear the men you work with will turn on you.”
Grayson walked up behind her and gave her shoulders a squeeze. “That’s not going to be anything you ever have to worry about.”
She sighed. “No. I just have to worry about them finding me once the trial is over.”
“That won’t happen either,” Parker said firmly.
“It would be nice to have your confidence,” she mumbled.
Grayson kissed her cheek. “You’re going to be fine.” With a swat to her firm behind, he walked to the other side of the kitchen to pull glasses down from the cabinet. “Now. Who wants what to drink?”
* * * *
Cheyenne stood in the yard and tried to aim for the target Parker had nailed to the side of a tree. She’d come close several times but had yet to hit the center dot.
Her wrist had gotten tired, and her mind wandered. Standing with Grayson at her back, his warm body against hers, his breath on her neck as he helped her better steady her aim, was a distraction. A big one. Right now, all she wanted to do was rub her backside against the bulge she felt pressing into her hip.
Was he standing that close for a reason? Was he deliberately teasing her with his cock?
She glanced over her shoulder, her lips spreading into a wicked grin as she wiggled a bit.
Grayson swatted her hip with his palm. The sting made her jump and squeal in surprise. “Behave, minx. You’re gonna get fucked soon enough.”
The heat of a blush moved quickly over her cheeks. “Wow. That was blunt.”
“So was wiggling your hip into my dick,” Grayson replied with amusement.
“Well…” she began but couldn’t think of a smart retort fast enough. “Well, perhaps you two shouldn’t have started that nonsense, because now it’s all I want to do.”
“Sex with me is nonsense?” he asked softly in her ear.
Almost purred, really, and Cheyenne’s entire body responded instantly. “That’s not what I meant,” she whispered.
“Did you mean it’s all you want to do?” he pried.
Cheyenne wanted to turn and smack him over the head. It was her own fault. She’d started it by wiggling. “Can we change the subject, please? Forget I wiggled.”
Grayson snorted and held himself more firmly against her hip. He’d hardened, and the feel of his thick erection pressed against her made her instantly wet.
“Little hard to do that at the moment,” he murmured.
Her lips twitched, and her confidence soared with the knowledge she could get him so aroused so quickly. Just like they could her. “Impressive.”
“It will be even more impressive later with your lips wrapped around it.”
“You’re confident.”
Her voice sounded stressed even to her as he slid his hands to her shoulders and gave them a squeeze. He lifted her hair from the back of her neck and kissed her nape. The touch of his lips along the column of her throat sent a shiver of excitement down her spine and made her arms shake.
The sun sank lower on the horizon, shooting a bright yellow streak of light across the target that made her squint and turn her head. She lowered her arms and sighed. “Looks as though target practice is over for now.”
He chuckled and pinched her hip through her shorts. The bite of pain made her wince.
“That’s okay. I have other plans for you anyway.”
She lifted her chin in a bit of defiance and then turned to face him. After all, she probably shouldn’t be so easy. “And what makes you think I would be okay with them?”
With a snicker, he glanced down at her breasts. Her nipples poked through the thin bra like two hard pebbles. Damn. So much for playing indifferent. He brought his gaze back to hers and raised an eyebrow in amusement.
She pursed her lips and frowned. “You know, a gentleman would ignore that.”
Grayson laughed and turned to head into the cabin. Over his shoulder, he replied, “Who on earth told you I was a gentleman?”
Cheyenne grinned despite herself. In truth, she didn’t want him to be a gentleman. She liked him the way he was: sexy, wicked, and downright naughty.
She turned the gun in her hand and flipped the safety on before following him into the cabin, her thoughts on all the fun things they might have in mind for later.
* * * *
“Should we tell her?” Grayson asked.
Parker leaned and stared over the railing of the loft. Cheyenne was in the kitchen making tea. Hopefully the soft music f
rom the radio playing in the background drowned out their voices. “Not yet. I’m not sure we should at all, to be honest.”
“How do you suppose they found them?”
Parker sighed and turned his attention back to a worried Grayson. “There has to be a mole. It’s the only explanation.”
“What if the mob found the other agent? If they did, they could’ve gotten him to talk and expose the safe houses.”
“It’s possible, I suppose. It’s a good thing you pulled some strings with the TBI. This one isn’t as well-known as some of the others. I would still feel safer if we left first thing in the morning.”
“At least we can tell her Steve is okay for now. The agents were able to get him to safety.”
Parker gave a sideways nod but grimaced at the same time. “Even if we tell her he’s okay, this will scare the shit out of her. Hell, it scares the shit out of me. If we leave tonight, it will panic her…even if we say it’s nothing. We’ll leave first thing in the morning and tell no one, not even our boss, where we’re going.”
“Agreed, but where the hell are we going?”
Parker thought for a minute. “How about the houseboat?”
Grayson raised an eyebrow. “My dad’s houseboat? And how do we explain to her why we’re moving?”
Parker glanced back over the railing and snorted. “That’s easy. TBI needs the cabin.”
“What about tonight?”
Parker moved away from the railing. “I don’t feel comfortable with both of us being…occupied.”
“Agreed,” Grayson said as he leaned his shoulder against the wall.
“I’ll take watch; you keep Cheyenne’s mind off things.”
Grayson grinned. “I was hoping you would say that.”
Parker frowned. “Yeah, I bet you were.”
Grayson studied him thoughtfully. “Jealous? Since when does that ever happen?”
Parker twisted his lips and glanced away. “It’s not jealousy, really.”
And it wasn’t. He didn’t know how to explain it. He wanted to be with Cheyenne too. The thought of her and Grayson together at the other end of the house while he stood watch like a sentinel felt…odd. It made him feel lost, and he couldn’t explain why.
“I think I know what you mean,” Grayson replied. “When I heard you two earlier, I enjoyed listening. But at the same time, I felt a sense of…”
“Being incomplete,” Parker finished for him. “I felt it too while I was having sex with her. We’ve had sex separately before and never felt anything like that. What’s the deal with her?”
Grayson pursed his lips and shrugged. “Does it matter?”
“Yeah, Grayson. It matters. Especially if we’re going to figure this out. We can’t just run through it blind.”
Grayson pushed away from the wall and rolled his eyes. “Our mothers aren’t even sure what the hell they did. How do you expect us to figure it out? We take things day by day, like we always do, and see where this leads.”
“There’s something we need to seriously talk about. She’s going into witness protection after all this is over. Are you willing to go into it with her?”
“It’s too early for that. Don’t you think?” Grayson asked.
Parker walked past him and headed downstairs. As he did, he replied, “That’s a serious decision, cousin. You better start thinking about it before you get so far in that you can’t dig your way out.”
Chapter Sixteen
Heavy steps coming down the loft stairs pulled Cheyenne from her thoughts. She looked up to see Parker smiling at her as he descended the last step and walked in her direction.
Her heart did a little flip. The smile on his lips, though, didn’t reach his eyes.
“Is something wrong?” she asked.
He stopped and looked down at her in surprise. She lifted the cup and took a sip of tea to keep from licking her lips as she imagined trailing her tongue across that wide chest. She still couldn’t stop thinking about what Grayson had said earlier about wrapping her lips around his cock.
“Why would you ask that?”
Cheyenne blinked, briefly forgetting what she’d even said to him. “You seem…I don’t know. Distracted.”
He lowered his gaze. “It’s probably those legs.” He looked up at her and grinned wickedly. “Very nice, by the way.”
She tugged at the denim shorts that had been left in one of the dresser drawers. “I’m just glad I found a pair that actually fit me around the waist. Although the length could’ve been a little longer.”
Parker chuckled, but his expression turned serious quickly. “Miss the operating room?”
His question caught her by surprise, but she soon recovered. “Actually, I do. Seems a little strange, huh? That I would miss cutting people open?”
“I think it’s more that you miss helping people,” Grayson said as he rounded the bottom of the stairs.
Parker turned to glance at him before bringing his gaze back to Cheyenne.
“That I do,” she said with a sigh.
She tried to push down her rising lust. She really did. Unfortunately all she could do was picture them naked. Naked and aroused and… She lifted her cup and took another long sip of tea. Maybe the burn as the hot liquid slid down her throat would take her mind off the throbbing between her legs.
When it didn’t, she glared at the remaining tea in her cup.
“So.” Cheyenne set her cup on the island. “What are we doing tonight? Another movie?”
“I know you’re bored, Doc. But it shouldn’t be too much longer.”
She stared up at Parker. She could still see the hint of worry in his eyes. Had something happened that they weren’t telling her? Should she ask them? Would they tell her or would they blow her off?
“It’s not you guys,” she murmured. “I’m just used to being busy. Even my weekends are usually jam-packed.”
“We can relate,” Grayson said. “Trust me.”
“Grayson’s going to keep you entertained tonight,” Parker said.
Cheyenne brow creased into a frown. “Where are you going?”
“I need to get with our boss on some stuff. I’ll be a while,” he replied.
Disappointment made her shoulders slump. “Oh.”
“Is that look because you like him more or is there something else?” Grayson asked.
Her eyes went wide and she rushed to reassure him. “No. That’s not…”
And it wasn’t. Dear Lord. Was she actually disappointed that it wouldn’t be both of them again?
“It’s just… I mean…”
Grayson and Parker both grinned as though they knew exactly what her problem was. Even though she didn’t. At least not really.
She crossed her arms and scowled at them. “Oh, stop it. Both of you.”
Parker laughed and leaned down to place a kiss on her cheek. “Behave yourself, both of you. Try not to be too loud.”
Her face heated as blood rushed to her cheeks. God, were they that sure they’d get her in bed again? “Very funny.”
She watched him walk away, then turned her still-blushing face to Grayson. He was dressed in jeans and a green T-shirt. The material stretched tight across his chest—tight enough she could see his nipples. Who was she kidding? She’d be in bed with them all right, and love every second of it.
“So, what’s your plan?” she asked.
Grayson’s lips twitched. “Movie?”
She sighed and shrugged her shoulders. “When this is over, I’m not sure I ever want to see another movie again.”
“We could do something else. Cards? A board game? I think there’s a few in the closet.”
She wrinkled her nose in disgust. “I always hated board games, even as a kid. I could never sit still that long.”
“You have trouble sitting still during a movie as well,” Grayson said, his voice full of amusement. “You fidget and keep changing positions.”
“I think it’s worse here because I haven’t had
a really good way to get rid of all this nervous energy.” Grayson took a step toward her. The sensual darkening of his eyes made her stomach flutter like mad. “Do you know I even considered getting an animal from the woods and preforming surgery on it?”
Grayson chuckled. “You realize you would have to kill it first or the surgery would have.”
She grimaced. “I know. That’s what stopped me.”
He reached out and traced his finger over the edge of her tank top. His finger barely grazed her skin, but it was enough to make her entire body burn.
“If you want to get rid of nervous energy, I have the perfect idea,” he murmured softly.
“I bet,” she purred as a few ideas of her own ran through her mind.
He dropped his hand and left her panting for more. “Movie first.”
She opened her mouth to say something, but the words died in her throat. She watched in stunned silence as Grayson headed to Cheyenne’s bedroom.
“There’s a DVD player in here and a few movies in the cabinet. Let’s pick one out and get comfortable.”
GRAYSON HID HIS smile as he closed the blinds, then the thick curtains to block out the late evening light while Cheyenne searched through the small pile of movies in the drawer under the television.
He wanted to keep her busy, to keep her mind off things for a while. They could watch a movie, and while it played, he could play with her. Get her so hot and turned on, she wouldn’t have even a second to worry about anything.
He liked that idea a lot—his cock especially liked it. It was already half-hard. He checked the bottom drawer of the nightstand to make sure the gun they’d placed there earlier was still there. Better safe than sorry at this point, especially after finding out Steve’s location had been discovered and infiltrated.
Grayson hoped they weren’t making a mistake by not leaving now, but there was no indication that their location had been compromised. Especially since he’d set it up through the TBI and not the FBI. Most agents only knew about the main safe houses, but Grayson had a friend in the TBI who had pulled some strings and gotten them this one. Mostly because Grayson loved this area, and if he was going to be sequestered, it might as well be somewhere he enjoyed.