Darkness Falls Read online

Page 12

  The sensations were overwhelming, intense, and smothering as she struggled to breathe, to hold on to consciousness as Noah thrust three fingers into her pussy. She cried out as her channel pulsed around the digits, pulling them deeper. Aiden’s naughty, whispered words of encouragement echoed in her ears as he playfully bit at her neck and rubbed the flat of his palm over her nipples.

  Alana tried to scream as her body careened into an orgasm that took her breath, but nothing came out. She struggled, digging her fingers into the sheets as she rode out wave after wave in tortured silence. Why couldn’t she scream? Why couldn’t she beg for more? Beg him to stop—to not stop.

  With a loud squeal, Alana woke with a start and glanced around the room in startled surprise. She was alone, naked in her own bed, sweat glistening over her flesh. She shivered and wrapped her arms around herself as she tried to gather her thoughts.

  God, it had been so real. She’d swear she could still smell their scents lingering on her skin. She’d swear she could still feel their touch.

  Tray peeked around the corner of the doorjamb, and she grabbed the sheet, pulling it over her breasts. Tray had seen her naked before, so it wasn’t that. Truthfully, she was embarrassed and could feel the heat of the flush as it moved over her entire body.

  “Look at you,” Tray drawled with amusement. “Moaning and squealing, all sprawled out like a Saturday night whore.”

  Alana sighed and dropped her head in her hands. “How loud did I get?”

  “You weren’t loud,” Tray said as he came farther into the room and sat on the foot of the bed. He studied her with just a hint of concern as he watched her. “Nightmare or wet dream?”

  Alana winced and glanced toward the sliding glass door that overlooked the small town.

  Tray raised an eyebrow. “Why are you so embarrassed? I’ve given you blowjob lessons, using my penis. I’ve used your toys on you when you were so sexually frustrated, you couldn’t stand it anymore.”

  “I know.” Alana sighed, staring down at the sheets.

  “You can’t talk to me about this?”

  “It was really weird, Tray,” she whispered. “I’m not sure how to describe it. It’s almost like they were in my mind, both of them.” She glanced up at him frowning. “It’s almost scary.”

  Tray reached out and touched her knee in comfort but said nothing.

  * * *

  Noah jerked awake, his balls throbbing. He stared toward the ceiling, trying his best to catch his breath. That had to be one of the most realistic, intense dreams he’d ever had. What the hell had just happened?

  Again he could hear in his mind Karen’s voice as she’d spoken softly. “When you find your third, your power will intensify. The three of you will be one.”

  Noah growled and dragged his hand down his face. His fingers lingered at his nose, and he inhaled, convinced he could smell Alana there. Why had Karen told him that? What had happened that weekend when he and Aiden had been separated? It had been Karen’s idea, but why?

  He frowned, trying to remember. He’d seen something—heard something—something in that house. It had frightened him—terribly.

  Shaking his head, he pushed the growing fear aside and sat up, letting his feet touch the cold hardwood floor. He wouldn’t be able to get back to sleep, so he might as well get up. He was hungry anyway.

  With a sigh, he reached down and wrapped his fingers around his rigid shaft, squeezing hard. He hadn’t gotten to finish the dream. He could still remember the look on her face as she’d exploded, the scream that had awoken him from the dream. He scowled. Or had she been the one to wake and sever the connection? Was that what this had been? Some sort of…

  That was ridiculous.

  Standing, he grabbed a pair of pajama pants that lay across the foot of the bed. He shook them out, then quickly stepped into them. With a tired sigh, he walked into the kitchen, unsure what it was he had even come in here for. He absently opened the fridge and studied the contents before deciding on bacon and eggs. Early morning sunlight streaked through the window over the sink, warming the floor beneath his feet.

  Behind him, he heard Aiden enter the room.

  “If you’re cooking, I want some,” he said tiredly.

  Noah glanced at him over his shoulder as he placed two slices of bacon in the skillet. “Couldn’t sleep?”

  “I thought I was sleeping fine.” He leaned against the counter and crossed his arms over his chest, watching Noah cook. “I had the weirdest dream.”


  “Well. Not really weird, I guess. I was having sex with Alana.”

  Noah froze but kept his head down, waiting for Aiden to continue.

  “You were there. You made her come, and when she did, she screamed, and it brought me out of the dream. Thanks for that by the way. I have a woody hard enough to hammer a freakin’ nail.”

  Noah snorted. “Like I truly had anything to do with what happened in your dream.”

  “I’m not so sure you didn’t. I’ve never had a dream that fucking real. I’ve never been able to feel your reactions in my dreams. It was as though we were awake, and Alana was actually between us, and not just a dream.”

  Noah shrugged. “Weird.”

  Aiden remained silent for a few seconds. Noah kept his gaze on the skillet. He wasn’t sure what to say. He didn’t have the answers, so he chose to say nothing.

  “Noah—” Aiden began.

  “I’m changing to the night shift,” Noah said. “I can’t keep staying up until three or four, then getting back up at six.”

  “Yeah,” Aiden sighed. “I know the feeling.”

  “You should probably do something along the same lines. Maybe take a leave of absence before you fall on your face from exhaustion.”

  “I don’t know why you’re doing this,” Aiden snapped.

  Noah looked up frowning. He knew what his brother was referring to, but he hoped he could get him to drop it.

  “I can feel what you feel, Noah. I felt you tense a few seconds ago when I mentioned the dream. I felt your anxiety when you got out of bed and headed down the hall. I can feel you’re keeping something from me, and for the first time in our lives, I don’t know what that is.”

  “I don’t even know what it is,” he finally admitted. “I don’t remember what happened.” He scowled down at the skillet and moved the bacon around. “I get bits and pieces, and something about that woman feels familiar, but I can’t place it. I can’t fucking place anything!”

  “That’s what this is about?” Aiden asked.

  “I don’t know. I’ve been thinking about that weekend ever since I saw that woman. I remember Karen telling me I was the center. That when we found our third, the power would intensify.”

  Aiden shook his head. “Wait a minute. What power?”

  “Our connection.”

  “And you think Alana is this third you referred to?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Well,” Aiden said as he once again leaned against the counter. “It would make sense, I guess. Our connection has been much stronger since Alana came into the picture. Did Karen tell you that weekend you stayed with her at the house?”

  Noah shook his head as he turned the bacon. “I think so. I saw something… I think. Maybe. I believe she told me that after Gram called because you were upset. Something had freaked you out.”

  “Yeah, you.”

  Noah snorted.

  “It’s kinda like now,” Aiden drawled as he reached around his brother to grab a plate to place the bacon on. “Something’s got you freaked. We’re sharing dreams, which is something we’ve never done, and somehow we’ve dragged Alana into it as well. Do I have it right, so far?”

  One side of Noah’s lips lifted. “Pretty close.”

  “Do you suppose she’ll understand what happened?” Aiden asked as he held the plate level for Noah.

  “I don’t even understand what happened, nor do we know for sure she experienced the same d
ream. It might’ve just been between us.”

  “Right,” Aiden drawled as he slapped Noah on the back of the shoulder.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “You want me to what?” Noah asked Lisa as she stood across from his desk.

  He’d gotten a grand total of two hours’ sleep the night before. The last thing he needed today was Lisa pestering him about ghosts.

  “I want you to give a description of the woman you saw to one of your sketch artists.”

  Noah raised an eyebrow. “You’re serious?”

  She frowned. “No. I’m pulling your chain. Is it working? Are you wound up yet? Pissed, perhaps?”

  “Almost,” he growled.

  “Come on,” she said, before batting her eyes. “Please.”

  “Can’t Tray or Alana do that?” Noah asked, agitated.

  “They didn’t get as clear an image as you did.”

  “What makes you think I got a clear image?”

  “Are you telling me you didn’t?”

  Noah stared at her before sighing loudly.

  “You’ve seen her more often and clearly than anyone else, and if I can find out what she looks like, it might make it easier to find her.”

  Noah snorted and shook his head. “I don’t know how much I can help you, Lisa.”

  “You’d be surprised. Besides, Aiden told me how good your memory is. You notice things a lot of people miss, especially small details. My guess is it’s what makes you a good cop.”

  “Oh, so now we’re going to go with flattery?” he teased.

  She shrugged. “Hey, whatever works. You know?”

  Noah rolled his eyes as he closed his laptop. “How’s Alana this morning?” he asked.

  “Ah, so we’ve shifted to bribery?” she asked, grinning. “I tell you how she is, maybe even where she is, and you do what I want?”

  “Hey, whatever works. You know?”

  Lisa laughed. “Okay. Alana’s tired and totally freaked. You two should lay off her for a while, give her some breathing room. Maybe take her out to dinner, get to know her. If she wants sex, she’ll let you know.”

  Noah’s lips twitched with amusement at Lisa’s no-nonsense way of telling things.

  “Hey, Alana’s not shy. She’s not above making the first move if it’s what she wants,” Lisa added.

  “I don’t doubt that for a second,” he said. “I’ll give what you’re saying some thought. Fair enough?”

  Lisa’s eyes narrowed. “So…what? You two can’t be with her without having sex?”

  “Aiden’s the only one that’s slept with her. I’ve been with her three times now and not shoved her against the wall yet, although I’ll admit the thought has crossed my mind.”

  “I’ll bet,” Lisa drawled, her lips twitching.

  With a sigh, he leaned his chair back. “I have every intention of taking things slow, taking her out to dinner, letting her get to know us. So does Aiden. We would prefer to do it together, so we get to know her together.”

  “Are you just after her because your brother’s attracted to her, Noah?” Lisa asked, her expression one of seriousness and concern.

  “I’m after her because I’m attracted to her.”

  “Fair enough,” she repeated, throwing his own words back at him and eyeing him skeptically. “So… Are you going to do the sketches for me?”

  He chuckled. “Are you always like a dog with a bone?”

  “Pretty much. Just ask Alana.”

  Noah nodded, still chuckling softly. “All right. I’ll do it.”

  “You still don’t think she’s a ghost, do you?”

  He shook his head. “No.”

  “So you give me the sketch, and while I’m researching the house, I’ll see if she pops up as a recent missing person.”

  “I’ve already started looking into that.”

  “And you haven’t found anything, have you?” Lisa asked, her lips spreading into an I told you so smile.

  “Not yet.”

  “Keep hanging around us, and you may just become a believer yet.”

  Noah smiled as he stood. “How about I escape with Alana and send you and that flamer you call a tech guy packing?” he asked, teasing her.

  Lisa snorted and turned to follow him from his office. “Number one, Tray would probably kiss you for recognizing him for what he truly is. If you think he’s flaming at work, you should see him on Friday nights at the bar.”

  Noah stared at her over his shoulder, amusement tugging at his lips. “I think I’ll take your word for it. Is there a number two?”

  “Yeah.” Lisa smiled. “Alana wouldn’t allow it.”

  “Now that I just might believe.” He opened the door that led to the second-floor offices, which was usually where their sketch artist could be found, and waved his hand for Lisa to go through first. “Let’s get this shit over with,” he sighed, making Lisa giggle.

  * * *

  Alana sipped the hot coffee Tray had brewed just minutes before. Normally she loved this coffee, but at the moment, she barely noticed the taste of the Jamaican Blue Mountain. She couldn’t stop watching the footage from the night before.

  She studied every second closely, slowing it down to examine it frame by frame, looking for something, anything out of the ordinary. Those doors didn’t open and close on their own. They couldn’t have. Not like that.

  They swung open as though someone shoved them, then banged closed so hard, the sound rattled the windows. Alana stopped the recording and rubbed at her tired eyes. Sleep had eluded her after that wild dream. Her body still tingled whenever she thought about it.

  Why was she even stressing over this? She should just enjoy the ride, sleep with both of them. The thought of a threesome was a bit daunting, though. She’d often wondered about it, fantasized about it, but going through with it was another matter entirely.

  Warm, strong hands gripped her shoulders, making her jump.

  “It’s just me,” Tray said as he softly kissed the top of her head. He began to massage her tense muscles, and she slowly relaxed. “You’re wound up too tight, Alana,” Tray murmured.

  “I know,” she whispered.

  “You’re overthinking all this, I believe.”

  “What do you suggest then?” she asked. “Don’t think about it at all?”

  “If they were standing in front of you right now, what would you do? Don’t think about it. Just imagine them there, both of them. What’s your first instinct?”

  “To go to them,” she admitted.

  “There you go,” he said as though that was the answer to all her problems.

  “It’s not that simple. What if I fall for them?”

  “What if they fall for you? What if they’ve already fallen for you?”


  “It’s not that far-fetched an idea,” he argued. “I saw the way they looked at you last night, and there was more than just physical lust there.”

  “Are you trying to push me toward them?” she asked.

  “I don’t know.” Tray’s hands worked slowly down her back, loosening the kinks. “I just remember all the times you and Aiden talked on the phone, all the e-mails back and forth, and all the times your eyes would light up. You liked him even before you’d met him. And obviously he liked you. There’s something there, I think, and if a relationship includes that gorgeous brother of his, all the better in my book.”

  Alana snorted. “Let’s change the subject. What do you think of this footage?”

  “You know what I think of that footage. It’s paranormal. Hands down.”

  “Whenever I think of that girl and that desperate voice, I get a terrible feeling. Like something really horrible is going to happen.”

  “Yeah,” Tray agreed as he exhaled softly. He stopped rubbing her shoulders and pulled a chair over, sitting down next to her. “I get the same feeling. Have you noticed she seems to have a thing for Noah?”

  Alana frowned as she turned to look at him. “What do yo
u mean?”

  “Well, Noah saw her first. Then we saw her that night, but Aiden was with us, so because they’re twins, maybe she mistook Aiden for Noah. Then last night, he was the only one to see her in the window, then the doors started slamming when you two were upstairs alone.”

  “That’s just coincidental,” she said with a wave of her hand.

  “I don’t think so,” Tray said. “I think later tonight we should do an experiment. Send a team in without Noah, then one with. See what happens.”

  Alana snickered. “That’s crazy.”

  “That’s genius,” Tray said, grinning.

  “Noah will think you’re nuts.”

  Tray’s grin widened. “He already thinks I’m nuts.”

  With a laugh, Alana lifted her coffee cup in silent salute. She blew to cool it off, then took another sip. “How do you know he’s even going to be there?” she asked, telling herself she was only half interested in his answer.

  “Oh, he’ll be there.”

  Alana’s phone beeped, indicating she had a text message. She flipped it open and stared at the screen in surprise.


  “Aiden just invited me to lunch,” she said, staring at the one-word question.

  “Well, are you going to text him back, or just sit there and stare at it all day?” Tray asked.

  Another text came in. I promise my brother and I will behave.

  Alana snickered as Tray leaned in to read it over her shoulder. He nudged her gently, and she sighed, frowning back at him. “Okay, okay.”

  She sent a message back.

  When? Where?

  Instantly he came back with a reply.

  Golden Dragon at 1.

  Alana glanced at her watch, realizing she had less than two hours to get ready.

  K, she replied back, letting him know she would be there before flipping her phone closed. “If I end up in bed with them,” she growled, eyeing Tray through narrowed eyes, “I’m coming after you with a tire iron.”

  Tray laughed and leaned in to kiss her cheek. “Wear that cute purple turtleneck you have with the black slacks and those sexy-ass three-inch heels. You’ll look killer.”

  Alana shook her head and closed her eyes. “You are so not helping.”