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  Kiley snickered and slapped John’s hard stomach with the back of her hand. Pointing her finger at him, she gave him a warning look, making it clear he was not to hurt Miranda.

  “Damn, you’re just like your brother,” John said with amusement, making everyone in the room laugh. “Maybe I’m the one who needs to be protected?”

  Miranda put her hand on her hip and yelled at John from a few feet away. “Just what are you making that child think, John Hurks?” He winked, and Miranda threw a wad of paper at him, making him and several of the other guys chuckle. “Boy, don’t make me bust that ass of yours.”

  Kiley shook her head, understanding now there really wasn’t anything going on with them other than the usual teasing banter. Miranda was a beautiful woman. It was a shame she wasn’t into younger men. She and John would make a cute couple.

  John kissed Miranda on the cheek as she grabbed her coffee and left the room.

  “Yeah, yeah,” Miranda mumbled with a wave of her hand.

  John chuckled as he took the seat at the head of the long table that took up the break room. He clapped, then rubbed his hands together. “So…what’s the plan?”

  “What makes you think we have a plan?” Kiley asked.

  “Please. You’re Keith’s sister. I know you have a plan.”

  “Actually, Scott has a plan.” She pointed at Scott with her thumb over her shoulder. “I have work to do.”

  She left so Scott could go over everything with the guys.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Keith slowly pulled the Lear into their oversized hanger at the airport and parked it at the far side, well away from the Gulfstream John prepped outside the doors. It looked as though he made it just in time.

  Paula’s footsteps behind him caught his attention. He looked over his shoulder and watched as she bent at the waist, staring out the side window toward the Gulfstream. She’d crossed her arms over her chest, and bit repeatedly at her lower lip as though worried about something.

  “Hey,” he said.

  She stood straight and looked at him.

  “Are you having second thoughts?” he asked.

  She frowned slightly, her arms still crossed over her chest. “About?”

  Keith moved from the chair and walked into the cabin to stand closer to Paula. She watched him with those trusting, pretty gray eyes and every part of him warmed. What was it about her that made him feel things he’d never felt with another woman? Why was he suddenly thinking about coming home to her, holidays with her by his side?

  “Are you sure you want to go to Peru?”

  “Kiley’s going,” she argued.

  Keith put his hands on his waist. “You don’t have to go just because Kiley’s going. Which I’m not real happy about by the way, but with the woman there, I suppose I understand it.”

  “She will feel more comfortable with me and Kiley, I’m sure. I’ll be someone she can relate to, having been duped by these people as well. I want to be there,” she added in a softer voice.

  Something in her eyes made Keith aware she wouldn’t take no for an answer. He rubbed the back of his fingers down her cheek and smiled slightly. She was strong, full of spunk, and she had him wrapped around her little finger stronger than Kiley ever had. At least with Kiley, he could be the Dad figure and say no. With Paula, he had a feeling he could never deny her what she wanted.

  Someone knocked at the side of the plane, alerting them to their presence, and Keith dropped his hand. He turned to open the door just as John pushed the stairs up to the opening so they could get down.

  “Nice to see you made it in time,” John said in his usual cheery voice.

  Keith scowled. “You’re way too damn cheery.”

  “And you’re way too grouchy when you don’t get enough sleep. Didn’t you nap on the plane?”

  Paula snickered softly. Keith glanced back at her with amusement. No, he hadn’t gotten a nap.

  He’d been otherwise occupied with the adorable gray-eyed spitfire behind him. It was a damn good thing the plane had auto pilot.

  “I don’t even want to know what that was about,” John said.

  “Good,” Keith murmured as he started down the steps, then turned to help Paula down as well.

  “You didn’t need to know anyway.”

  He winked at Paula, and she gave him a small smile in return.

  “I see London did nothing to improve your sour mood,” John grumbled, but Keith knew he was only teasing. Picking was their way with each other; always had been.

  “My mood was fine until you showed your ugly mug.”

  “Nice,” Paula scolded. “Do the two of you always act like this?”

  “No,” John replied. “Sometimes we actually get mad at each other.”

  “Yeah,” Keith admitted, albeit reluctantly. “Then we mostly talk with our fists.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “Please tell me you’re kidding.”

  John chuckled. “Unfortunately, he can’t.”

  She turned a shocked stare toward Keith. He shrugged one shoulder sheepishly. “What can I say? We’re guys.”

  “You’re Neanderthals. With friends like you two, who needs enemies?”

  Keith laughed. “Can’t argue with you there.”

  “Kiley should be here with the rest of the guys soon, so if there’s anything you want to transfer to the other plane, better make it quick,” John said as he opened up the cargo compartment of the plane and pulled out one of the bags.

  Keith reached to grab one as well and set it on the ground. “Tell me again why my sister’s going?”

  “I tell you what. If you think you can stop her, knock yourself out. Otherwise, Kiley is taking the girl out of the room and keeping her somewhere else in the hotel while we do what we do.”

  John leaned close to Keith and lowered his voice. “Why is Paula going?”

  “Long story,” Keith said with a roll of his eyes.

  “Uh, huh,” John said, his lips twitching. “I think someone is getting soft in their old age.”

  Keith snorted.

  John walked past Paula and gave her a gentle pat on the shoulder. “Welcome home, sunshine.”

  Paula let out a slow, deep breath. “Yeah, welcome home.”

  Keith studied her nervous expression and tense stance. “You sure you still want to go?” he asked.

  She scowled briefly. “If you don’t stop asking me that, I may change my mind, and I don’t want to change it. I’m going.”

  He gave a nod of understanding and handed her a small bag. “Make yourself useful then and help me get this to the car.”

  Grinning, she grabbed the bag with her good arm. “Yes, sir.”

  He tugged at the bag, pulling her closer. “I like it when a woman follows orders.”

  She snickered softly, then tugged at the bag. “Don’t get too used to it.”

  Keith released his hold on the bag, smiling as he watched her walk toward the SUV parked outside the hanger.

  * * * *

  Kiley stepped onboard the Gulfstream and came to a complete stop. Keith barreled into the back of her, knocking her forward slightly.

  Her brother gave her a non-too gentle shove. “Kiley, you can’t come to a complete stop right inside the door. Get in and get out of the way, especially when there’re people behind you.” He walked around her shoulders and gave her a firm stare. “Sometimes on these missions every second counts.”

  “I got it,” she growled, then returned her attention to her friend. She smiled and rushed over to give Paula a hug.

  Paula hugged her back, holding tight and laughing as the men worked their way around them.

  “What are you doing here?” Kiley said as she pulled away and stared closely at her friend.

  “I kinda didn’t give Keith a choice in the matter,” she said sheepishly.

  Kiley tilted her head in surprise. Even she couldn’t talk her brother into doing something he didn’t want to. She glanced over at her brother, who stood in
the galley, watching her and Paula.

  His eyes narrowed in irritation. “What?”

  She shook her head as her lips spread into a wicked grin. Turning back to Paula, it widened at the light blush covering her cheeks. “Less than three days in London and you already have my brother wrapped around your little finger. I’m impressed.”

  Paula shook her head in denial. “It’s not like that. I think he just understands my need to see it closed first hand.”

  Kiley frowned as sudden worry for her friend tightened her chest. “What if they see you there?”

  “I’ll be fine. John said they already have some guys down there following the woman and setting up surveillance.”

  Kiley nodded. “Yeah. She’s due to arrive there this afternoon, just shortly after us. We’re hoping they do things the same way they did with you.”

  “There were three of them,” Paula said. “And they should have the computer full of drugs with them. There’s more than three to this group. This operation won’t get them all.”

  “The D.E.A. are hoping one of them will talk.” Kiley shrugged a shoulder. “I doubt it, but we’ll see. At the very least we can put a dent in their operation.”

  “I just wish we could get the guy that duped me. This James character.”

  Kiley squeezed her friend’s hand. “Maybe we’ll get lucky.”

  “Okay, ladies. Time to stop yacking,” Scott said as he came up behind Kiley and put his hands on her shoulders, giving them a gentle squeeze. “You need to take your seats so we can get this puppy in the air.”

  Scott discreetly trailed his fingers down Kiley’s spine, sending shivers along her flesh at the feel of his touch. She glanced over her shoulder, almost gasping at the heat in his gaze. He winked and her heart did a little flip of excitement.

  “Stop it before someone notices,” Paula scowled quietly as she tugged Kiley to a couple of seats toward the back of the cabin.

  Scott’s deep chuckle carried through the cabin and every inch of Kiley’s skin tingled at the husky sound. She’d always thought he had a sexy laugh, especially when it resonated from deep in his chest.

  Kiley tightened the seatbelt around her hips. “Are we that obvious?”

  “Just to me, but then I was watching.”

  She gave Kiley a nudge in the side and grinned.

  “So how did things go with you and Keith in London?” Kiley asked.

  Paula looked toward the front of the plane and shrugged in dismissal. “It was fine. Your brother is actually fun when you get him away from work.”

  “Are you okay?” Kiley asked softly.

  Her friend turned to face her. Reaching out, Paula took her hand and gave it a squeeze. “I’m so sorry for not listening to you. Thanks for not turning your back on me.”

  “You’re my friend. I would never do that.”

  “When Keith showed up at that prison, I…” Paula swallowed and her lower lip began to tremble. Kiley grasped Paula’s hand between both of hers, encouraging her to continue. “I swear, I could’ve fallen to the floor and cried I was so happy to see him. It took everything I had not to throw myself into his arms and just start bawling.”

  Paula glanced briefly toward the front of the cabin where Keith sat with John. Mike and Scott were in the cockpit. The roar of the engines became louder as they drove the plane toward the end of the runway, preparing it for takeoff.

  Three other men crowded the midsize plane. Men Keith trusted with his life. Men who had been with him through so much.

  Paula’s gaze turned back to Kiley. Leaning in, she started to say something, then appeared to change her mind.

  “Paula. Did something happen in Turkey?” Kiley asked. “Did they do anything to you?”

  Paula shook her head. The color in her cheeks deepened, and Kiley frowned in worry.

  “Paula what is it?”

  “I, uh…” Paula swallowed and her color got even brighter. “I slept with Keith.”

  “You what?” Kiley asked in shock.

  “It just happened.”

  Kiley’s mouth dropped open. She’d wanted her brother to find someone, to have some fun.

  She’d even been excited about the idea of Keith one day getting with Paula. They looked good together. Kiley believed Paula would be good for Keith, but she never expected it to happen so fast.

  “Now, I’m all confused. I fell for James during a vulnerable time and now I’m…” She bent her head and murmured so softly Kiley barely heard her. “Now, I think I’m falling in love with Keith, and I’m terrified I’m making the same stupid mistake. Falling for a guy at the wrong time for all the wrong reasons.”

  “Keith isn’t James,” Kiley argued.

  “No,” Paula said with a firm shake of her head. “Keith is definitely not James, but I’m still that vulnerable girl that fell for James.” She gave Kiley a pleading look that tore at Kiley’s heart. “I know how he is, Kiley. He puts work first. It’s his life. What if this is nothing more than a fling for him?”

  “What does your gut tell you?”

  “I don’t know. Right now, after everything that’s happened, I’m not sure I trust my gut.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Kiley paced the bedroom where she, Paula, and the young woman they’d come to Peru to rescue were being hidden. Three floors below them her brother and his men, along with several D.E.A. agents waited for their marks to return.

  “I can’t believe I fell for this,” the young woman named Lisa mumbled.

  Paula sat on one side of her, Kiley on the other. “Trust me. I know exactly how you feel,” Paula said.

  Kiley put her hand on her knee and gave it a gentle pat. “At least we got you before you boarded that plane.”

  “He was so convincing.”

  Kiley felt really bad for the woman. She looked to be in her twenties, but after talking with her found out she was actually in her late thirties. She was just one of those people who aged well.

  A recent divorcee with no children, Lisa was the perfect mark for James and his cronies.

  “What’s taking them so long?” Paula asked Kiley before turning her attention to Lisa. “Didn’t you say they were expected back by now?”

  “That’s what they told me.”

  Paula nodded and chewed on her lower lip as though worried. “If they said three, then they should’ve been here by three. Do you suppose someone tipped them off?”

  Kiley shook her head. “I doubt it. They’ll be here.”

  They were silent—waiting, listening. Footsteps moved down the hall and all three of them tensed as they came to a stop just outside the door.

  “Kiley?” Keith said as he rapped softly at the door. “It’s Keith, open up.”

  Kiley’s shoulders sagged in relief. She jumped up and rushed over to open the door. The second her brother walked in he glanced briefly at Kiley before turning his concerned gaze to Paula.

  “It’s over,” he said. “The men are in the custody of the D.E.A. They would like to speak to Lisa for a few minutes, but then we can go home. Kiley, if you’ll run Lisa downstairs and meet up with Scott? The agents are with him.”

  With a nod, Kiley waved her hand for Lisa to follow her and they headed quickly downstairs.

  Keith watched Paula draw in a deep breath, then let it out slow. “Is it really over?” she asked.

  “You didn’t get them all.”

  Keith shut the door and moved to sit next to her on the bed. “We got two of the big players as well as enough drugs to send them away for a very long time. Now, we just have to get them to talk to get the others.”

  “What do you think are the odds of that?”

  Keith snorted. “Limited at best. But we’ve probably stopped this operation, at least. The ones that are left will move and start trafficking through another location. Unfortunately, it’s hard to wipe them out completely. Especially when they’re this big.”

  He took her cold fingers in his and gave them a squeeze. Staring into
her eyes, he lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed the back of her fingers. The move was meant to reassure her but the spark of heat that appeared briefly in her eyes made his cock tighten.

  “We should probably head back to the plane,” she whispered.

  Keith nodded in agreement. At least she was keeping a cool head. Right now all he could think about was making use of the bed they were currently sitting on.

  Her eyes lowered, and she stared somewhat sadly toward the floor. He let go of her hand and brushed her hair back off her face. Putting his finger under her chin, he lifted it, forcing her to meet his gaze. “You okay?”

  “I’m okay. Just…disappointed, I think. I was hoping to get more of them.”

  He brushed his thumb over her bottom lip. “It’s not over. We may yet.”

  “Do you think the ones that are left will retaliate?”

  “No, too dangerous for them. They’ll regroup, but retaliation means leaving their home base.”

  He smiled and chucked her under the chin. “Come on, beautiful. It’s time to enjoy that celebration you wanted.”

  Paula smiled and allowed him to pull her to her feet. He wanted so badly to kiss her but also knew if he did, he wouldn’t stop with just a kiss. There was something about her that made him crazy—made him think of things he’d thought were out of his reach as a mercenary. Would she be okay with his job? Would she accept what he did? Or would she start making demands and insisting he quit the one thing he loved doing?

  “What was that frown for?” she asked.

  “I was just thinking,” he murmured.

  She tilted her head and studied him with that adorably inquisitive way she had. “About what?”

  Keith opened his mouth to tell her what he was thinking, that he wanted to explore a possible future with her, but gunfire made both him and Paula stiffen.

  “Was that gunshots?” Paula asked with alarm.

  His radio beeped, then John’s voice boomed through, “Keith!”

  He quickly pulled it from the clip on his belt and hit the talk button. “Please tell me that’s not coming from our group.”